Public Art

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Public Art
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Parks and Recreation Department

City of San Diego, CA., “BIRD PARK” is an entire 6-acre site within Balboa Park, sculpted with art, landscape and hardscape into a Perchiform bird and her nest. Poetry , "Lark's Egg" by Frances Wosmek is sandblasted into the sidewalks. Working with Robin Brailsford, WRT and ONA, the bird's beak is a patio, her gizzard a tot lot etc.. Community members are raising funds to complete 9 additional public art elements, including a bird’s eye gazebo. $500,000 public art budget. 1994 - .


Public Corporation for the Arts

Long Beach, CA. “Street Park Parable,” with Jon Cichetti - landscape architect, Robin Brailsford artist and Frances Wosmek - poet. Landscape, poetry, mosaics and reflective vinyl animals as symbols of our humanity. Project budget: $300,000. Commissioned, designed, built and installed in one year - 1997.



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